Superhero 4: A Party.

Hunter turned 4, which of course called for a PARTY. After a game of zillion questions, we determined he wanted a swimming party. We usually do two parties, one for family, one for kids, but we decided to combine the two into one this year. Hunter is only in nursery school we were concerned that history would repeat itself and none of his friends would come, and we didn’t want t to rent the pool for what could be only our kids. By combining the two we were hoping to make it worth it.


When I showed up to the party late (I know but the birthday boy was there) I was pleasantly surprised to see two of his friends from school and their moms. That combined with our family friends and of course the family we ended up with about 20 guests. Boy am I ever glad we decided to cook hotdogs and not order pizza!

After an hour of the swimming pool, we moved into the party area. We had hotdogs pre-cooked – slow cooker for the win!- and we started an assembly line. One adult handled the drinks. Another helped with the fruit and the veggies and I worked on the hotdogs. 4 dozen hot dogs were quickly devoured by the hungry kids. To anyone considering doing hotdog, I beg of you to get yourself pre-cut buns!

When we pulled out the cake Hunters eyes nearly fell out his head. It was exactly what he wanted. My friend Brittany came through with his amazing Robin cake. He’s finally starting to recognize his name so having it on there was a wonderful touch. We usually end up taking home a lot of cake but not this time. Every single person loved it. I ended up with Hunter’s scraps. Oh, the life of a mom.

After cake, we moved on to gifts. He received far too many like any little boy should. My favourite is all the Robin stuff we got him. Hat, stuffy, car, and a couple of figurines. I might be biased but we looked everywhere for Robin toys and I think we hit a home run. Baba’s blanket was, of course, a close second.


Hunters favourite is easy. The Paw Patrol Jungle Rescue Monkey Temple from Uncle Shylo and Auntie Lissa. If you ever want to shock a group of 3 and 4-year-olds into silence this is the toy. They hit that one out of the park for sure. But they usually do.

That was it. And I am more than happy to say that we are DONE with parties until HD’s first birthday next August. Except for maybe one for me or Blayne.



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Diary of an imperfect mum
Dear Bear and Beany

A Mom holding a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle in the other hand, with breastmilk staines on the nipple part of her shirt with the words #StayClassyMama and The Mum Project and Admissions of a Working Mother written on the right.

8 thoughts on “Superhero 4: A Party.

  1. I find kids parties so stressful and a swimming party sounds like a massive stress to me – so much respect for you right now! The cake is amazing, I’m not surprised he was impressed. Such a shame you only got the scraps though – maybe next year! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

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