Fat mommy gets fit: the beginning.

My whole life I have been overweight. Not morbidly obese or anything, but overweight. When Blayne and I got together I was in the best shape of my life, and at 190 lbs that was still in no way a healthy weight. When I got pregnant with HD weighed as much as I did 9 months pregnant with Hunter. 220 lbs. Of course, when I was pregnant I did put on weight, only 10 lbs but still it capped me at the heaviest I have been in my life. 6 months later I was still carrying all of that weight. I decided that it was time for a change, a life change.

In the past, I have tried to lose weight and by making a bunch of changes all at once and giving up. When I was actually making progress and keeping it off it was I was serving full-time and was eating salads at work do to my, then, wheat allergy. I now am doing neither of those things. After Hunter and Pre-wedding I was going to the gym twice a week and I managed to lose 2 sizes, but the number on the scale never moved. This was largely due tot the fact that I wasn’t making the necessary dietary changes to lose the weight.

This time things are going to be different. The old me would get out of bed, drink coffee and have a nap, before drinking more coffee. I would rarely eat breakfast, and almost never lunch. I would not get off the chair where I was watching TV. No food or drinks until dinner time where it would almost certainly be coke, which is what I would drink until bed. I would then drink about 8 oz of water (certain that made up for all the water I didn’t drink during the day and then I would have a fitful sleep before getting up and doing it all over again. Hello, healthy… not.

It took me 27 years and 2 babies to put on this weight. It is going to take a while to get it off, and a lifetime to keep it off. I am not doing a yo-yo diet. I am making a lifestyle change, slowly as to not overwhelm myself. Past experience tells me that is a sure-fire way to fail. I am tired of failing, but mostly I am tired of not being the mom I want to be. I no longer want to hide from the camera so there are no pictures of me and my kids.

I am writing this so that I have something (someone) to hold myself accountable to. I have a long road ahead of me, but I am going to follow it through. I guess my first step would be putting down the cookies I am eating while writing this.



25 thoughts on “Fat mommy gets fit: the beginning.

  1. It is so hard, I am in the same position trying to lose weight and it seems such a steep hill to climb. You sound like you are really ready now though and I think that’s half the battle, i knew i wasn’t ready to start while my children were still babies as i needed wine/cake and biscuits to get through the sleepless nights and crazy stages. I feel mentally ready now but I just have to stick at it and not be tempted by all the happy associations I have placed on food in the past. Good luck xx #Blogstravaganza

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    1. I think it is comparable to quitting smoking, until you are really ready you aren’t going to be successful. I feel ready but mentally getting over the sweet tooth and the lazy girl mentality is where I will struggle.


  2. Wishing you the very best of luck with it. I know what you mean about accountability. I recent;y did something similar on my blog with the couch to 5k. I started to document it on the blog, otherwise I KNOW I would have given up. Go you! Looking forward to reading about your progress. #kcacols

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  3. Your previous mealtime schedule sounds absolutely crazy – no food til dinner! I can’t survive without breakfast. Well done for deciding to make a change, and to do it intelligently. It’s a long process and you need a lot of self-motivation, but stick with it and you’ll definitely see results. Good luck and start eating breakfast! #KCACOLS

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    1. Haha yes it is awful. My husband is the same way. I will say though, that since my baby started on solids my meals or more regular as I’m much more aware of it.


  4. Good luck with your journey! If you are a fan of Coke then Coze Zero is your new friend! I limit myself to one can a day but it tastes just like Coke and no calories! It’s my little treat after having a good day. I also have one cheat day a week. I’ve lost 44lbs since having my baby in May last year. You can do this!!!

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  5. Accountability is key when it comes to weightloss so I think you’re off to a great start with sharing your journey with us!! I’m on the weightloss trail too after having my little boy last May, it took me a while to get in the zone of being ready to lose weight but plenty of water, planning my meals and planning in snacks and treats has really helped me! Good luck and keep us updated! #kcacols

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  6. You certainly sound very focused and determined and I wish you all the best of luck. I’m in a similar situation and I also really want to lose weight and be healthier!

    Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on Sunday x

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